“Prairie Schooners under Convoy—A Santa Fe Caravan of the Third Decade.” Based on the illustration March of the Caravan, in Josiah Gregg’s 1844 Commerce of the Prairies. As reproduced in Illustrated New Mexico, by William Ritch, 1885 (5th ed.). Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), Neg. No. 087450.

“Prairie Schooners under Convoy—A Santa Fe Caravan of the Third Decade.” Based on the illustration March of the Caravan, in Josiah Gregg’s 1844 Commerce of the Prairies. As reproduced in Illustrated New Mexico, by William Ritch, 1885 (5th ed.). Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), Neg. No. 087450.