Many bone artifacts have been found that suggest interesting human behavior at Kuaua. In several turkey leg bones, researchers noticed healed breaks and fractures, which suggest animal husbandry. Whether or not that is the case, this discovery opens many questions: Why were the villagers interested in keeping the turkeys alive? Were they splinting the legs and nurturing the animals back to health? Although it is very likely that they were keeping the turkeys alive for feathers to be used in blankets and ceremonial items, we may never know the answers.

Many bone artifacts have been found that suggest interesting human behavior at Kuaua. In several turkey leg bones, researchers noticed healed breaks and fractures, which suggest animal husbandry. Whether or not that is the case, this discovery opens many questions: Why were the villagers interested in keeping the turkeys alive? Were they splinting the legs and nurturing the animals back to health? Although it is very likely that they were keeping the turkeys alive for feathers to be used in blankets and ceremonial items, we may never know the answers.