The digital map of Kuaua has been used to illustrate what the village might have looked like toward the end of its occupation. Based on architectural features and the archaeologists’ excavation notes, and with some artistic license, a three-dimensional model was created depicting the 1,200-plus rooms of the village structures, up to three floors high in some places, all centered around the three plazas of the village. This reconstruction helps visitors to understand the adobe mounds and disintegrating walls visible on the surface at Kuaua today.

The digital map of Kuaua has been used to illustrate what the village might have looked like toward the end of its occupation. Based on architectural features and the archaeologists’ excavation notes, and with some artistic license, a three-dimensional model was created depicting the 1,200-plus rooms of the village structures, up to three floors high in some places, all centered around the three plazas of the village. This reconstruction helps visitors to understand the adobe mounds and disintegrating walls visible on the surface at Kuaua today.