Why This?

Chief of Hearts

BY MARCUS AMERMAN    I create many things in beadwork, but of all the things I bead, I appreciate [...]

Before Photocopiers

BY PENELOPE HUNTER-STIEBEL I went to visit Tom Leech, curator and director of the Palace Press, in hopes of [...]

Picturing the Future

Cultivating, weaving, and dyeing cotton were regular parts of Mo Aiqun’s childhood. Born in 1958 in the Zhuang village of Sanbao (Tian’e County, Guangxi), she began learning to sew and embroider when she was thirteen. Like many young women in her community, she arrived at her new husband’s home with quilts she made for her dowry. [...]

Rooted In History

As I enter the Palace of the Governors, I often stop at the doorway on the left. It opens onto an austere room—the Office of the Governors—where locally made wooden chairs sit around a table, representing long gone administrations: Spanish, Mexican, Territorial. [...]

Trunk Show

I have watched as visitors to the Museum of International Folk Art stop in their tracks before a wall of cut-paper silhouettes, intrigued and perplexed. Perhaps they are recalling the snowflakes they made in grade school by folding and snipping paper in simple patterns. They recognize that this is something else, not only in the complexity of design, but also in the content of the imagery. [...]

Man of Clay

BY PENELOPE HUNTER-STIEBEL He thrust his huge head forward, his mouth open. He held out his left hand, [...]

Painted Power

BY PENELOPE HUNTER-STIBEL If you are as disoriented as I first was by the profusion of saints and crucifixes [...]

More Than Doors

BY PENELOPE HUNTER-STIEBEL How many times had I passed through the doorway into the Neutrogena galleries at [...]

Trail Dust

BY PENELOPE HUNTER-STIEBEL Upset about that 17-inch-wide seat on the airplane? The door is open to the [...]

True Colors

BY PENELOPE HUNTER-STIEBEL It has stopped me in my tracks every time I have encountered Luis Jiménez’s [...]

Surpassing Beauty

BY PENELOPE HUNTER-STIEBEL A sense of awe pervades the galleries of the remarkable exhibition Painting the [...]

For Eyes Only

BY PENELOPE HUNTER-STIEBEL Wouldn’t New Mexico Historic Sites always want tantalizing images published to [...]

Pot of Many Lives

BY PENELOPE HUNTER-STIEBEL Among the many pots at the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture, one in the cooking [...]
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