On Exhibit

Weaving New Meanings

By Elizabeth Perrill, with Muziwandile Gigaba and Lillia McEnaney Without traffic, it only takes thirty [...]

Hot In Here

By Paul Weideman “It’s easy in New Mexico to wind down while things heat up,” according to a New [...]

Pasó por Aquí

By Dr. Alicia M. Romero “For through the lack of expert help we made many detours, wasted time from so [...]

The Jump to Virtual

By Charlotte Jusinski When a museum shuts its doors each evening, it’s perhaps a relief for many curators, [...]

Adulation and Anguish

By Hugo Chapman with Charlotte Jusinski With the opening of The birth, death and resurrection of Christ: from [...]

Perú Past and Present

By Tey Marianna Nunn, PhD In recent years, interest in Perú and all things Peruvian has increased at a rapid [...]

Heavy Meta

How do you design an exhibit about exhibits? In late 2017, Museum Resources Director David Rohr came to us at [...]
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