Letters From The Editor

What the Land Holds

By Emily Withnall Returning from a trip once, the woman seated beside me peered out the window as the plane [...]

Look Long

By Emily Withnall Throughout the eight years I lived in Montana, I wrote essays that were essentially love [...]

Soft Launch

By Emily Withnall It is fitting that this issue of El Palacio Magazine is filled with so much dirt—from [...]

All My Friends

By Charlotte Jusinski A few months ago, I was perusing the upcoming exhibitions calendar at the Harwood [...]

Not So Niche

By Charlotte Jusinski In a recent email to a colleague, I found myself describing El Palacio as a “niche” [...]

First-Person, Plural

By Charlotte Jusinski Perhaps one of the most damaging “rules” of writing taught to us as children is [...]

Gee! Haw!

By Charlotte Jusinski Kids enamored of books and words often want to grow up to be writers, and I was one of [...]

Like Butta

by Charlotte Jusinski Ever have a whole chunk of time at work go so smoothly you barely have to think about [...]

A Long Time Coming

By Charlotte Jusinski When I look at the table of contents of this issue of El Pal, one word immediately [...]

Memento Mori

By Charlotte Jusinski My dog died during the production of this magazine. Maybe it’s not standard for these [...]
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