The First Issue Of El Palacio BY BRUCE BERNSTEIN The first issue of El Palacio was published in November 1913 as a monthly eight-page [...]
Pindi Pueblo Comes Home To Roost BY STEPHEN S. POST AND ERIC BLINMAN On December 4, 1933, excavation began on the first site to be listed in [...]
Betty Thomas Toulouse BY CORDELIA THOMAS SNOW On the occasion of the seventy-fifth anniversary of El Palacio, Betty Toulouse, then [...]
Folk Art Through The Decades BY CARMELLA PADILLA Since 1953 fourteen words have declared themselves to all who enter the Museum of [...]
The Rio Grande Painters BY LOIS RUDNICK The Rio Grande Painters group wished at the time to have a gallery outside of the State Art [...]
Reading between the Lines BY PENELOPE HUNTER-STIEBEL Works on paper are seldom seen in the original. The vulnerable sheets are kept in [...]
Here Now, But Not Always BY NANCY MARIE MITHLO It’s the 2013 Southwestern Association of American Indian Art’s Indian Market, and [...]
Joe Traugott, Always on Display WITH LAURA ADDISON Curator Laura Addison’s many contributions to El Palacio include “That Was Then, This [...]
The Art and Legacy of Bernardo Miera y Pacheco Though small in physical stature—just five feet tall—Don Bernardo Miera y Pacheco cast a considerable shadow across the eighteenth-century frontier of the Spanish Empire, now the American Southwest. [...]
Cover Story BY PENELOPE HUNTER-STIEBEL How many times have you passed by the murals on your way through the courtyard to [...]
The Father of “El Pal” BY DAVID ROHR El Palacio’s longevity can be attributed in large part to its first editor, Paul A. F. [...]
The Long Road Home BY FRANCES LEVINE I am dirty, ragged and sunburnt, but of best cheer. My life’s work has begun at last. — [...]
Protecting New Mexico’s Cultural Resources J. MICHAEL BREMER WITH SHELLEY THOMPSON Once a month my husband and I grab daypacks, hiking sticks, and [...]
Guilty Boxes BY DODY FUGATE When I was very young my family and I used to travel from down south to visit a park in [...]
Archaeologists, Collectors, and Mueum Collections: BY CHRIS MERRIMAN The relationship between professional archaeologists and private collectors has been [...]