In The Footprints of Allan Houser BY CINDRA KLINE WHAT MAKES AN ARTIST important or inspirational? Iconic? What sets a path to a legacy, and [...]
Interview with Delilah Montoya WITH KATHERINE WARE While working on the solo exhibition Delilah Montoya: Syncretism, artist Delilah Montoya [...]
An Act of Citizenship BY BARRY LOPEZ Adapted for El Palacio Editor’s note: This spring, distinguished author Barry Lopez [...]
Loti, Laguna Pueblo BY DANIEL KOSHAREK Karl Moon was born in Wilmington, Ohio, in 1878 and moved to Albuquerque, where he [...]
A Master’s Private Turquoise BY PENELOPE HUNTER-STIEBEL Turquoise has become so closely associated with New Mexico that I was surprised to [...]
Our Lady Comes to the New World BY KATE NELSON A 1960s wave of ecclesiastical urban renewal convinced priests at mission churches throughout [...]
Photography and Identity BY KATHERINE WARE In an initiative titled Focus on Photography, the New Mexico Museum of Art is devoting its [...]
Apache Mountain Spirit Dancer Shines Again (Minus One Bird’s Nest) BY CATHY NOTARNICOLA The twenty-four-foot bronze sculpture Apache Mountain Spirit Dancer stands tall on [...]
Layu Resplendent Turquoise on the Roof of the World BY FELICIA KATZ-HARRIS New Mexico’s adoration of the turquoise stone is palpable. Whether native, [...]
Turquoise at Ogapogeh BY MATTHEW J. BARBOUR In October 2008, the Santa Fe Community Convention Center opened at the northeast [...]
So Many Ways of Looking at Turquoise Turquoise, Water, Sky: The Stone and Its Meaning, the new exhibition curated by Maxine McBrinn at the Museum [...]
Living The Turquoise Trail BY DOUGLAS MAGNUS The scattered presence of turquoise along North America’s Turquoise Trails reveals a [...]
Pueblo Jewelry Making In Chaco Canyon, New Mexico BY FRANCES JOAN MATHIEN Jewelry making in the Southwest has a long history, and the Ancestral Pueblo people [...]
Turquoise, Water, Sky BY CINDRA KLINE TURQUOISE REQUIRES WATER TO form,” explains Maxine McBrinn, curator of archaeology at the [...]
Earth and I Gave You Turquoise BY N. SCOTT MOMADAY Earth and I gave you turquoise when you walked [...]