From left: Mary Blumenschein passport page; note Helen’s crossed-out name.
Newsprint, circa April 1902, describing Mary’s second-place prize at the 1902 Société
des Artistes Français Salon. Ernest Blumenschein. All courtesy Blumenschein Family
Collection, Fray Angélico Chávez History Library, New Mexico History Museum. Mary
and Helen Greene Blumenschein camping near Kewa Pueblo (Santo Domingo Pueblo),
1919. Courtesy the Helen Blumenschein Collection, Palace of the Governors Photo
Archives (NMHM/DCA), neg. no. PAAC008.002.
Background: Taos scene, image taken between 1899 and 1928. Photographed by
Arnold Genthe (1869-1942). Courtesy Library of Congress LC-DIG-agc-7a01501.