

T. Harmon Parkhurst, Harvesting Carrots, New Mexico, ca. 1940 – 45. This carrot farm extended along US 66 and the AT&SF railroad near Milan, New Mexico. Navajo people from the surrounding areas of Ambrosia Lake, Bluewater, Prewitt, and Toltec worked in the fields along with people from Acoma and Laguna Pueblos. Former workers recall that they always tied the carrots in bunches of six, to be loaded onto a truck and shipped off to market. These Navajo women appear to be very dressed up for farm work — perhaps they knew that a photographer was coming that day? Or perhaps something special was happening later in the day? The woman on the left sports a curler in her bangs. Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), Neg. No. HP.1974.10.60.